What Does a Licensed Electrician Mean

What Does a Licensed Electrician Mean

When you are hiring an electrician to do work on your home, you may hear the term “licensed electrician.” It is natural to wonder what that means and to have questions about who licensed the electrician or what the electrician had to do in order to become licensed.

Becoming a Licensed Electrician in Houston

To become a licensed electrician in Houston, electricians must comply with the requirements of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Electricians can apply for various levels of licensing, including registering for an apprentice training program, applying for a maintenance electrician license, applying for an apprentice electrician license, applying for a residential wireman license, applying for a journeyman electrician license, and finally applying for a master electrician license. There are different requirements as far as experience and hours worked in order to apply for these different levels of licenses.

Because there are stringent requirements to obtain a license, you can rest assured that when you hire a licensed electrician to do work on your Houston home, that electrician has the skills, knowledge and ability to perform top-notch, top quality work. The fact that the electrician is licensed is simply a shortcut to ensuring that he is an actual professional who is qualified to do the work you need.

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